“"Yours was the best parenting advice I have ever received all wrapped up into one hour...thank you for what you are doing to help us as parents. I have often felt such loss of hope, you have made me realize how much of this journey is up to me as the parent. I can't give up now!” -K.P.
“Merriam was an interesting and accomplished speaker, and it meant so much to me that she shared stories from her own life. I really loved her practical, step-by-step directions on how to address problem behavior. I will definitely be sharing the webinar with my husband and my colleagues.”
“You made me as a parent and professional so emotional, but in a good way! I was so engaged. Thank you for your time and expertise!” - M.M.
"Literally crying right now, feeling so heard, understood & related to...being diagnosed w/ ADHD as an adult & now trying to raise my own ADHD kids, I'm just trying to do right by them & myself and this talk is SO AMAZING!" C.
"I want to thank you SO MUCH for your time and advice today.... this is the first concrete, specific and actionable advice we have gotten on how to handle our daughter. Above all, everything you explained makes total sense and we have a much better idea what is going on in our little girl's brain. For the first time in a long time I feel hopeful that we can change course and make things better." M.G.